At Paul Verity Opticians our day-to-day concerns are vision enhancement and eye health. A lot of time is given advising on lifestyle choices that may lead to eye conditions. One of the greatest risk factors that we are exposed to everyday is Ultra-Violet light (UV) which has been proven as a cause of cataract and macular degeneration later in life.
Children are particularly vulnerable to early UV radiation damage because:
We care very much about your child’s eyes and want to give them the same protection from UV light that we advise adults to have. So we would like to inform you about new products and pricing structure for children’s glasses.
If your child is a spectacle wearer, we need to provide UV absorbing, reflection-free lenses. Unfortunately, the modest NHS Voucher allowance will not cover these Elite lenses so from now on our children’s range will be labelled with a “Voucher Plus” sticker. Prices will start from only “Voucher +£30” to include the frame, which represents great value for money*.
Your child will benefit in the following ways;
We know that children’s specs occasionally get damaged. If a lens gets scratched between eye tests, Paul Verity Opticians will pledge to replace it free of charge using the NHS Repair Voucher, so you won’t have to worry about any unexpected costs.
For children who do not need spectacles we stock a great range of UV-protective sunspecs starting at only £20.
* UV absorbing lenses are not compulsory, you can still specify standard lenses free of charge, but we hope that you will carefully consider the protection your child’s eyes can have for only £20.